
Experiments & contemplations

State of Mind

The importance of learning about the science of mind, emotions and expectations.

Cross Process

Based on looks from real film stock.

Making a New Post

The only way is Play, exploration, trial and feedback.

545 Neerim

Where a new chapter started.

Shake it photo

Bringing the experience of taking Polaroid photos to iPhone.


A meditation on wonder.

Doing things

The long, hard, stupid way.

First camp

At Wilsons Promontory National Park.

Keep going

Have faith and trust it.


How I fell in love with Photography.

Most Popular
  • Tehran

    Going home again.

  • First roll of film

    Not bad for the first try.

  • Gold Coast

    The trip to Queensland for Radiohead concert.

  • A Daily Practice

    The goal is to establish a daily routine which involves exploring, making and publishing.
