
Experiments & contemplations

Open Cinema

Watching the sunset on the beach and then a movie.

Gold Coast

The trip to Queensland for Radiohead concert.

Dark Mood

It was dark and cloudy days in Melbourne.

Winter Walks

New collection from July 2012.

Moments - VIII

Eight chapter of the daily snaps video series.

Art Center

New collection from the archives.

Working from the inside out

Rather than the other way around.

Be patient and keep going

There is no other way in the journey of self discovery.

545 Memories

Good people and good times.

I Took These Photos

And I like them. And I like to share them with you.

Most Popular
  • Tehran

    Going home again.

  • First roll of film

    Not bad for the first try.

  • Gold Coast

    The trip to Queensland for Radiohead concert.

  • A Daily Practice

    The goal is to establish a daily routine which involves exploring, making and publishing.
